Научная статья на анг. языке "Мультиплексный фосфоресцентный анализ на основе пептидов (PHOSPHAN) для серологического подтверждения Лайм-боррелиоза"

C6 Peptide-Based Multiplex Phosphorescence Analysis (PHOSPHAN) for Serologic Confirmation of Lyme Borreliosis Vera G. Pomelova, Edward I. Korenberg , Tatiana I. Kuznetsova , Tatiana A. Bychenkova , Natalya I. Bekman , Nikolay S. Osin (Доступно для бесплатного скачивания после регистрации)
Артикул: Plos1
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C6 Peptide-Based Multiplex Phosphorescence Analysis (PHOSPHAN) for Serologic Confirmation of Lyme Borreliosis
Vera G. Pomelova, Edward I. Korenberg , Tatiana I. Kuznetsova , Tatiana A. Bychenkova , Natalya I. Bekman , Nikolay S. Osin
Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, Department of Biological Microassay, State Research Institute of Biological Engineering, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2 Department of Infections with Natural Focality, N. F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3 Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, Perm, Russian Federation, 4 Immunoscreen

A single-tier immunoassay using the C6 peptide of VlsE (C6) from Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto (Bb) has been proposed as a potential alternative to conventional two-tier testing for the serologic diagnosis of Lyme disease in the United States and Europe.

To evaluate the performance of C6 peptide based multiplex Phosphorescence Analysis (PHOSPHAN) for the serologic confirmation of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in Russian patients.

Serum samples (n = 351) were collected from 146 patients with erythema migrans (EM); samples from 131 of these patients were taken several times prior to treatment and at different stages of recovery. The control group consisted of 197 healthy blood donors and 31 patients with other diseases, all from the same highly endemic region of Russia. All samples were analyzed by PHOSPHAN for IgM and IgG to Bb C6, recombinant OspC and VlsE proteins, and C6 peptides from B. garinii and B. afzelii.

IgM and IgG to Bb C6 were identified in 43 and 95 out of 131 patients (32.8 and 72.5%, respectively); seroconversion of IgM antibodies was observed in about half of the patients (51.2%), and of IgG antibodies, in almost all of them (88.4%). Additional detection of OspC-IgM and VlsE-IgM or IgG to C6 from B. garinii or B. afzelii did not contribute significantly to the overall sensitivity of the multiplex immunoassay.